Patient Association

Ixworth Patient Association

All patients are automatically members the Association which is a Registered Charity, No: 1051678.

The objectives of the Association are to:

  • enhance communication and collaboration between patients and the Surgery;
  • arrange health and wellbeing sessions on various topics that interest you;
  • provide a volunteer transport scheme to patients with no other means of reaching the Surgery.

For further information please see the screens in the Surgery or ask at Reception.

Patient Participation Please

We are fortunate in having an excellent GP Surgery in Ixworth. But our GPs are under pressure. As you know, money is tight, there is a shortage of doctors and nurses and hundreds of new homes being planned. There can be no doubting the professionalism of our GPs and colleagues but they feel over-worked and underpaid.

To meet the increasing demand for health and social care “the plan” is to improve linkages between the various services and charities, encourage mergers and identify more efficient ways of working. Indeed, with the trend to more specialist services, focusing expertise on particular concerns, only the patient knows the whole story – the journey from early feelings of being unwell, to trying to make an appointment, getting tests done, receiving treatment, organising after-care and perhaps long-term social care. Patients will need to be more knowledgeable about their treatment – be prepared to offer feedback on how the steps in their treatment might be improved: to say what works well and not so well?

Proactive participation by patients is welcomed by the Surgery. Indeed, Ixworth has had a Patient’s Association since 1988. Regular education and consultation events are held throughout the year. Your GPs would like as many people as possible, from every background and age group, to help in shaping the future.

We all want to protect and support the services given by our excellent doctors, nurses and others as the population changes and grows. It is important to our GPs and their staff that you are involved, that you share your experiences so they can influence the web of organisations that decide how services are delivered to us.

Would you or your business or club like to be involved, come along to a meeting on a specific subject e.g. living with the early stages of dementia, or coping a little better with a particular disability – say one or two evenings every year? Perhaps be in contact with the Patients’ Association by email and receive information and respond to surveys on current issues: e.g. pain management?

If yes, please leave your details with Reception – it is important to us to hear your views.

Patient Transport Services to Hospital

This is not covered by our service. Call 0309 999 6666


The Association is a registered Charity managed part-time by volunteers who are registered patients of the Surgery. At an Annual General Meeting patients are invited to elect members of the Management Committee to represent their views and interests. One or more of the Partners and Staff (depending on workload) will attend.

We are always seeking new members of the Committee – so don’t be shy – please leave your contact details at Reception for the attention of Dr G Norris, Trustee and Chairman of the Association.