Friends and Family

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should be able to provide feedback on their experience by asking the question:

We would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service. How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care of treatment?

The FFT question has been asked in all NHS inpatient and A&E departments across England since April 2013. The feedback gathered through the FFT is being used in NHS organisations across the country to stimulate local improvement and empower staff to carry out the sorts of changes that make a real difference to patients and their care.

    Friends and Family Test

    Thinking about your GP practice, overall, how was your experience of our service?

    Very goodGoodNeither good nor poorPoorVery poorDon’t know

    Additional Questions

    How happy were you with the way our staff welcomed you?

    How likely are you to recommend Ixworth Surgery to your friends and Family?"


    Privacy Protection
    We use the information entered into this form only for the purposes of processing your Friends & Family Test submission. Information entered into this form is stored and accessed securely by designated Practice staff.

    Issues raised in comments may be discussed between relevant members of the Practice. The information is used for quality monitoring purposes, in line with the expectations of the patients submitting the feedback.

    Any personal information transmitted via this form may be anonymised by the Practice when this is required to ensure compliance with General Data Protection Regulation.

    All submissions are collated and sent to NHS England.

    Learn more about our Privacy Policy. Should you have any concerns about sending your personal details using the web, please use one of the alternative methods offered by our organisation.